Saturday, June 2, 2007


Global warming is a huge issue in our daily life, by doing this research on it I have learned quite a bit when originally I wasn’t actually aware of it. Sure global warming does have some good sides to it like, some countries climates are getting warmer or cooler and vise-versa but in the end if the temperature keeps increasing within a few years a catastrophe could occur and we as humans which live in this planet must avoid that at all cost. This is why the new challenge for people nowadays is to ensure that future development and the use of the Earth’s resources are managed in a sustainable manner, in so doing, safeguarding the quality of life for generations to come.


*¤ஐ» Battie°»ஐ¤*° said...

It's very important from us to make a change on earth and try to protect and save the environment before anything worst could happen.

Mohamed said...

I agree with butti =P

Mohamed said...

Mohamed Who do u not agree with :P

*¤ஐ» Battie°»ஐ¤*° said...

Thank you , but what I'm saying is true. We can do a lot of things to prevent global warming from happening, or even reduce the time. So we could live another 30 or 40 years.

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