Saturday, June 2, 2007


Global warming is a huge issue in our daily life, by doing this research on it I have learned quite a bit when originally I wasn’t actually aware of it. Sure global warming does have some good sides to it like, some countries climates are getting warmer or cooler and vise-versa but in the end if the temperature keeps increasing within a few years a catastrophe could occur and we as humans which live in this planet must avoid that at all cost. This is why the new challenge for people nowadays is to ensure that future development and the use of the Earth’s resources are managed in a sustainable manner, in so doing, safeguarding the quality of life for generations to come.

Individual Action

Energy is mainly produced by the burning of fossil fuels, like coal, oil and gas, which release carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas. Fuel burnt in our cars also releases carbon dioxide. As an individual, although I have little control on how energy is produced, I can however control the way in which I use energy. Using less energy means less needs to be produced, thus, less carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere. There are a number of ways I can do to help to save energy. I can save energy at home by: turning off lights and appliances when they are not needed; having a shower instead of a bath; and turning home thermostat down. In addition, since carbon dioxide emissions also come from automobiles. By using public transport, and by cycling and walking more often, I as an individual can reduce the amount of carbon dioxide released by our cars.

U.A.E. & Global Warming

Economic diversification has been one of the United Arab Emirates’ main strategies since about the mid-1980s. This strategy has led to the development of a number of new service sectors and hubs of non-oil industrial activities. Cities like Dubai have emerged as an active international trading center, combined with a large tourism sector and dynamic real estate markets. The UAE has always recognized the importance of conserving environmental resources, something it has striven to make a cornerstone of its developmental policies for present and future generations. Undeniably, during the last thirty years of the 20th century, the UAE has achieved major steps in sustainable development including the establishment of a federal environmental agency, the formulations of a comprehensive national environmental strategy and legislation, and participation in numerous multilateral environmental agreements.

Crop Growth

Climate plays a very important part in determining plant growth and the production of crops. Crop growth is often limited by temperature and rainfall. An increase in temperature may suit some crops, but the accompanying increase in the evaporation of water will leave less moisture available for plant growth. The changes in the weather will affect the type of crops grown. Some crops such as wheat and rice grow better in higher temperatures, but other plants such as maize and sugarcane do not. Changes in the amount of rainfall will also affect how many plants grow. The effect of a change in weather on plant growth may lead to food and water shortages in some countries of the world.


The amount of greenhouse gases in the earth’s atmosphere has been increasing. This is thought to be due to human activities. During the past five decades mankind has also introduced CFCs, which not only damage the ozone layer but also act as greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gases also include carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide. As the Earth warms up a number of changes in the weather will occur. A rise of a few degrees Celsius in temperature could change the conditions on Earth, which are currently just right for existing plants and animals. If the Earth continues to warm as climate models have predicted, the temperature at the Earth’s surface may be 3 °C warmer by 2100 than it is today. This rapid change in temperature would be harmful to many ecosystems, and many species of plants and animals. Climate change will affect rainfall, sea level and storm events, and humans would also be affected by these factors.